

2519 Parkwood Rd,

Snellville GA 30039



2519 Parkwood Rd,

Snellville GA 30039



2519 Parkwood Rd,

Snellville GA 30039



Upper Cervical Chiropractic - If you or a loved one is suffering with a neurodevelopmental disorder, mental/emotional health challenges or chronic health condition you need to hear the Balanced Spine Center's unique approach to health.

They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall get well.

                                        - mark 16:18

Balanced Spine Center's difference begins with OUR beliefs.

1. We believe in taking care of our people like family.

2. We believe you and your family were born to be healthy and not sick as well as happy and not sad.

3. We know you have what it takes and see our role as simply locating and removing interference to your natural ability to heal, grow and thrive.

4. We believe in the human potential and simply put, we believe in YOU.

At Balanced Spine Center, we genuinely believe that education, nutrition, and natural resources will help our families achieve optimal health. In our secure setting, you feel appreciated, taken care of, and really seen, we offer you hope, love, and healing.

Our faith is number one in believing that you will receive your own miracle by Dr. Peterson being dedicated to her calling.

Her personal mission statement is found in   Mark 16:18,   "...they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall get well.” 

Our heart is surrounded by our core values of family, community, integrity, excellence, simplicity, accountability, growth, health, education, love and uniqueness. 

Dr. Marilyn Peterson

Upper Cervical Chiropractor

Have You Met Julian?

Photo Taken December of 1997

Have you ever felt lost when it comes to your children? If you are anything like me you have. This is my son, Julian…

He was 16 months old when I adopted him. This photo was taken at about 18 months and if you notice he was only the size of a 6 or 7-month-old baby. He cried or had tantrums most of the time. Look at his eyes…they do not have Expression of Life…almost hollow. He had a laundry list of sensory issues. To say he suffered from Failure to Thrive, or Developmental Delay would be an understatement. The specialist I took him to did not have a very hopeful prognosis for him. I am sure many of you can identify with some of the challenges we had to overcome. In order to teach Julian to eat I had to spin a CD in front of his face to distract him long enough to put food in his mouth. He started eating solid foods when he was 2. I spent hours every day trying to get him to move his bowels…I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life on the bathroom floor. We went through the fecal smearing phase. He was 12 years old before he was potty trained and almost 16 before he stopped wetting the bed. We couldn’t have lamps in the house because he would break everything that wasn’t nailed down...we became minimalist by necessity. He had self-injurious behaviors, biting himself until he was severely bruised. He would scratch the top of his nose and inside his mouth until it bled. He would chew the collars on his shirts and when he had a bad meltdown, he tore his clothes with his teeth and shredded them. Cutting his hair and nails sounded like someone was being tortured, I guess in his mind he was. I had to learn how to properly restrain him, so he didn’t hurt himself or anyone or anything else. My daughter brought the pieces of one of her favorite items out of her room with tears in her eyes and asked ….are we ever going to be able to have nice things.

Fast forward...Julian met and exceeded every goal that they set for him….

He loves camping, horseback riding, and even graduated from High School. He makes jokes and is usually happy now. He would still be considered non-verbal, but he is smart and makes sure you understand what he is talking about. His receptive language is 100% and his expressive language is improving all the time. He still has the occasional meltdown, he is a messy eater, likes to tear up paper and needs help with his showers. He has come a long way and is still improving every day…so that started the journey  

It was that on-the-job training, those lessons that you cannot learn by going to any number of seminars or classes. It is that mom training that makes me qualified and a trusted caregiver for children with Behavioral, Learning, and Social Disorders.

This is our story,

Dr. Marilyn

Read Our Raving Reviews

The Benefits Of Upper Cervical Chiropractic

 Balanced Spine Center specializes in Upper Cervical Chiropractic care which is straightforward, effective, and different from traditional chiropractic care. We objectively measure all aspects of clinical care using both Computerized Infrared Thermography and Biomechanical, Digital X-rays focusing on the top two bones of the neck and the unique relationship those bones have with the central nervous system, specifically the Autonomic Nervous system. is to detect the presence and removal of interference to the central nervous system…a condition called Subluxation.

An Upper Cervical Chiropractic adjustment is given only when nervous system dysfunction is present, as detected by paraspinal thermography. The adjustment restores integrity to the nervous system. A second thermography scan is taken post-adjustment to verify that the correction has been made, after the patient has rested and recovered in a zero-gravity position. The repair allows the brain and cells throughout the body to communicate properly once again..

These factors enable us to see improvements in our patients' health.

We enjoy assisting patients who have persistent health issues that have been everywhere else and haven't found results with conventional medical or traditional chiropractic care.

often hear:

  • We have been to so many places without getting results...
  • This is like not other place I have been before..
  • I was told I would have to live with this...

Areas We Can Help Improve:

Have you seen specialist after specialist with no results?

Does it feel like the stress is just too much to handle?

Is anxiety crippling your child or yourself?

Are you struggling with constant low energy?

Do you or a loved one suffer from depression?

Is your child struggling in school or in social situations?

Has you or your child been diagnosed with autism, ADHA, or Delays?

Are you worried about your or  your loved one’s future?

 Dr. Marilyn is a FOCUS Certified Provider:

FOCUS Certified providers have completed hundreds of hours of ongoing training. Dr. Marilyn is 1 of less that 200 chiropractors around the world that has FOCUS Elite status, that are working with children and adults with behavioral, learning, socialization, and developmental challenges. They are trained on the developmental trajectory of childhood and the clinical implications of stress and its impact on the developing brain. This series assists the practicing chiropractor integrate the clinical pieces of the puzzle to support families impacted by behavioral, learning and socialization challenges to live a better expression of life.

Dr. Marilyn is 1 of only approximately 75 chiropractors internationally that can offer the Brain Blossom Program™, which consists of body and brain games and exercises that facilitate whole brain function and healing.

FOCUS Elite Access Member:

A FOCUS Elite Access member is a FOCUS Certified Doctor who has ongoing monthly training and case support from top Doctors in our field regarding behavioral, learning, socialization, and developmental challenges. They have exclusive access to offer the at-home Brain Blossom program to their practice, and they’re trained to perform a FOCUS Functional Brain-Based Assessment.

Dr. Peterson is trained in the elite Brain Blossom Program™

The Brain Blossom Program™ is an online, at home, brain and body exercise and educational program

Who can benefit from the Brain Blossom Program™? Everybody! The program is designed to reduce stress and deflective tendencies in order to help individuals engage in, communicate with, learn from and enjoy their world. The only requirement is a partner to work with to administer some of the games!

Why the Brain Blossom Program™?

Think of development like a flower, as it is grows from a seed, everything that happens around it has an impact on what it will be when it’s fully grown. Human development is much the same. Our environments can greatly impact our most basic functions, like the way we move our body, communicate with language, and use our sensory systems. These impacted functions are what we at the Brain Blossom Program™ call Deflective Behaviors™ and they can take many forms. Deflective Behaviors™ can stem from many combinations of factors, but ultimately, they change the way a person learns, behaves, communicates, and socializes. The Brain Blossom Program™ is designed to give specific body and brain games to help a person move on from their Deflective Behaviors™ to a healthier form of processing their environment.

What is a CERTIFIED FOCUS Elite Practitioner?

What is FOCUS Elite?

The Focus program is a multi-step approach to Neuro-Deflective behaviors that are associated with developmental, behavioral, socialization, and learning challenges in children and adults. The program is made up of four pillars which all work in conjunction with each other to provide the greatest amount of healing and change while addressing the bigger picture of underlying nervous system stress.

Each of these pillars, on their own, can have a dramatic effect on those suffering from neurodevelopment challenges, but FOCUS stands alone as the only program of its kind in the world that uses them together! ADD/ADHD, Asperger syndrome, dyslexia, autism spectrum disorder, anxiety, learning disabilities, and other undiagnosed behavioral, social, learning, and developmental problems are all included as Neuro-Deflective behaviors that can be helped by the FOCUS program.

Dr. Peterson provides to the community a closed Facebook group. This is where you would sign up to watch the Live webinars and to receive the almost daily information that is posted that is beneficial to families and the community. 

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